Systeminnovation Building Permit (Vinnova)

Attractive living environments
The project was carried out within the framework of Vinnova's “ Attraktiva Livsmiljöer” program and aimed to build a creative village for craftsmen, cultural workers, artists and entrepreneurs on a former parking lot in Frihamnen in Stockholm. The idea is that the site will be unique in Sweden, paving the way for new creative ways to enrich attractive living environments with fast-moving and flexible modules owned by their users. Modules can be, for example, converted containers, construction sheds or staff trailers.

Moved-in modules
The interest in establishing new containers at Frihamnstorget has been facilitated through our tailor-made platform, 'Cobudget.' Here, you can view all the projects that have been proposed and granted support by the initiative. While it is still possible to inquire about joining the container project, please note that any new projects must now be self-financed.
System innovation dimension
During the project period, the need for a building permit emerged, which impacted the execution and pace of the project. The focus shifted towards navigating the bureaucracy surrounding building permits and ensuring that Frihamnstorget could continue to develop organically as new container businesses were added.
The outcome was a building permit that includes a flexible planning area, the first of its kind in Sweden, allowing the artistic, iterative process to continue and enabling Frihamnstorget to grow organically. This achievement would not have been possible without the additional grant support on system innovation, which served as a lever and legitimized Frihamnstorget's ambitions to become a pilot project that challenges the current application of the Planning and Building Act in zones awaiting development.

Building permit principles
In the site plan, there is a marked area that is not specified with drawings, but instead is defined by a maximum height, gross area and design basis to meet the requirements of the Planning and Building Act. The principle is that the facades facing outwards are described with detailed drawings and locations. While the area in the middle is allowed to grow organically.
A flexible building permit ?
In the flexible area, according to the issued building permit, we may arrange containers up to a maximum height of 9 meters and three floors, with a maximum gross area of 415 sqm, in accordance with the design documentation. Both start and completion notices have been issued for the flexible area, based on developed standard construction solutions and the fire safety guidelines.
Within these parameters, we can place 10ft, 20ft, or 40ft containers in the directions and combinations that best suit the needs of the businesses.