European Solidarity Corps (yearly)

Last Update
December 2024
Every year in January, Blivande takes in 2 volunteer from the European Solidarity Corps to support Blivande in the cultural program, community building and the civic initiatives present in the house. ESC provides the volunteers with food money, housing, travel to Sweden and some pocket money each month. The program follows 3 main objectives described bellow.

Objective 1: Civic Action

This objective focuses on fostering active community engagement and collaboration through Civic Action Projects, including the production of Civic Action Festivals that bring people together for creative and participatory activities. It supports the development of our container village as a vibrant, inclusive space for participation, dialogue, and innovation. Additionally, it emphasizes grassroots community work, such as urban gardening groups and artist communities, to cultivate a sense of belonging and co-creation in urban spaces.

Objective 2: Digitalization of Cultural Sector

This objective aims to harness digital tools to enhance collaboration and engagement within the cultural sector. It promotes the use of platforms like Open Collective to streamline community support and financial transparency. Additionally, it focuses on empowering individuals to develop and document their creative concepts and ideas using tools like Cobudget, fostering a culture of shared ownership and co-creation.

Objective 3: Democracy, Participation, and Culture

This objective focuses on fostering inclusivity and active participation within cultural and community spaces. It supports new initiatives at Blivande and Frihamnstorget by optimizing atelier and communal spaces for art, community engagement, and shared use through maintenance, tidying, and space management. Additionally, it involves assisting participants in the public cultural program, contributing to the building and execution of cultural events, and participating in community meetings to strengthen collaborative decision-making (e.g., by taking notes). This objective emphasizes empowering democratic processes and co-creation within the container square community and beyond.

Do you want to apply?

If you’re interested in volunteering, please contact Diana Monsberger at diana[at] to be added to the email list. This will ensure you’re notified as soon as the open call for volunteers is published. Please note that applications are only accepted during the designated open call period. Each year, we seek volunteers whose skills complement the organization’s needs and skillsets, so we can't promise you

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